DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED’s Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U45209GJ2016SGC085839. This unique identifier is crucial for distinguishing and accessing specific information about the company. It serves as a key reference for various business-related activities and regulatory compliance.
You can reach out to DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED via email at cs-dicdl@gujarat.gov.in. Effective communication is vital for any business, and by providing an email address, DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED ensures that interested parties can easily get in touch with them. Whether you have inquiries, partnership proposals, or any other matter to discuss, a direct line of communication is a valuable asset.
For those who prefer face-to-face interactions or need to visit DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED, their registered office is located at Block No. 1 & 2, 6th Floor, Udhyog Bhavan, Sector – 11, Gandhinagar , Gandhinagar Unclassified GJ 382011. This physical address is not just a legal requirement but also a point of contact for clients, stakeholders, and regulatory authorities. It’s where the company conducts its official business operations.
DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED falls under the category of a Public. The classification of a company often indicates its size, structure, and industry focus. This information can be important when assessing potential business partners or competitors.
The company was officially incorporated on 28-01-16. This date marks the beginning of its legal existence and sets the stage for its business activities. Understanding the date of incorporation provides insights into how long the company has been in operation and its level of experience in the industry.
DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED is further categorized as a State Govt company. This classification provides additional details about the company’s specific activities or niche within its broader industry. It can help you understand the company’s core competencies and areas of specialization.
Registered at RoC-Ahmedabad, DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED adheres to the regulatory requirements of the region. This registration is essential for maintaining legal compliance and ensuring transparency in business operations.
The company’s state of registration is Gujarat. Different states or regions may have varying regulatory requirements and taxation structures, so knowing the state of registration can be important for legal and tax purposes.
In terms of financials, DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED has an authorized share capital of 60000000000. This represents the maximum value of shares that the company can issue to its shareholders. Understanding the authorized share capital is significant for investors and potential partners.
Additionally, DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED has a paid-up capital of 52080425210. This is the actual value of shares that shareholders have purchased and paid for. It reflects the company’s financial stability and its ability to meet its financial obligations.
In summary, DHOLERA INDUSTRIAL CITY DEVELOPMENTLIMITED is a well-registered company with a clear CIN, comprehensive contact information, and a significant financial foundation. Its classifications, registration details, and financial data provide valuable insights for anyone looking to engage with the company, whether as a client, investor, or partner.
Basic Information
CIN | U45209GJ2016SGC085839 |
Date of Incorporation | 28-01-16 |
Registered State | Gujarat |
Registrar of Companies | RoC-Ahmedabad |
Category | Company limited by Shares |
Sub Category | State Govt company |
Company Class | Public |
Company Status | Active |
Share Capital Information
Authorized Capital | 60000000000 |
Paidup Capital | 52080425210 |
Contact Information
Email ID | cs-dicdl@gujarat.gov.in |
Registered Office Address | Block No. 1 & 2, 6th Floor, Udhyog Bhavan, Sector – 11, Gandhinagar , Gandhinagar Unclassified GJ 382011 |